Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Violets Home

I found an odd list I made some years ago in an old journal:
-The furniture is uncertain.
-posse retoric and call questions.
-cake carrot
-blood possibility
-caution mind unstable.

I really don't remember writing it..or what it was for. A class? I really can't say.

My art has been featured wonderfully once again on nerdJERK
Check it out! Steph Cortes makes wonderful nintendo related hand knitted items which are totally worth the look.

I've been inspired lately by the civil war. Because of the ken Burns 9 part documentary I mentioned being hooked on a few blog posts ago.

This is the result. I enjoyed drawing this very much. It makes me want to travel and sit on cliff tops watching the ocean..


  1. Cool feature on NerdJerk :) And I love the new drawing.

  2. thanks carrie!
    dang I wish you lived in sf lady.

  3. Awesome! Congrats on getting your art featured :D They obviously have good taste hehe And I love finding old lists or just things that I wrote down in sort of... stream of conscious moments. It's like reading something a stranger wrote down, but it was you... haha that sounds so "twilight zone"!

  4. Thanks Tanith! Im thinking of posting some more pages of the odd lists in that old journal. They are quirky and unusual. You should post one of yours!:)

  5. That's a good idea actually ;) Maybe I'll do some sketches based on lists/sentences from old journals :D I definitely want to see more of yours hehe
